If there is a change of location from the place specified All bets will be considered void.
If the match is abandoned in the first half, all 1st half bets will be considered void. If the match is abandoned in the second half, all 2nd half bets will be considered void. Unless explicitly stated in the specific bet of that type. All first half bets are considered valid.
NCAA Basketball Place Rules - Please note "Home" and "Away Team" that appear on the website are for reference only. Bets will not be based on events if the race course is changed. Or change to the "home court" field, or change to the "away team" field, or change to "the middle court"
If the game starts before the scheduled schedule Placing bets before the game starts is considered valid. If placing a bet after the game has started, it will be considered void. Except placing bets during play
Count towards extra time in all games or second half bets Unless otherwise specified Bets on 4th quarter do not count towards extra time.
For 3x3 basketball will be settled based on the official result announced by the organizer. This includes StreetBase and Big3.
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